Thursday, January 10, 2013

K-Pop History

Korean pop, or Kpop as it is more popularly known as, is a huge hit among Korean and international students. With Korean music getting recognized on the Asian market, as well as at a worldwide level, Kpop is becoming extremely popular among both Korean speaking people and non Koreans.

The history of Korean pop music is not very old. Pop music has become quite popular in Korea due to the Western influence of pop music. This doesn’t mean that Western culture is overtaking the Korean culture, but more that it was the start of various popular music channels like MTV and internet sources, that have spread pop music and had a great influence upon the inspiration of Korean musicians, as well as general music lovers.

When we look at the history of the Korean pop music, we find out that the Kpop music radio has indeed played a great role in promoting it and bringing it to the masses. The Korean youngsters are absolutely in love with their Korean pop music bands and are really proud of the fact that many of them have gained recognition on an international level as well.

The history of Korean pop music is quite exciting, although quite short, with the rapid spread of Kpop music radio shaping it. In fact, over a period of only 20 odd years, South Korea itself has evolved from being a poor country, to being a major international player with incredible commodities and technology. With the coming of many great bands like FINKL and Super Junior, many music lovers which are not familiar with the Korean language are also loving the Korean music a lot. Meaning that in a very short period of time, Kpop has in fact become a major export for the country.

The Korean pop music history does not date back to very old times, as It was just back in the 1990’s that pop music started to becoming really popular in Korea. Since then, many bands and singers have emerged on the scene, some of which even proved to be world class players.

Kpop music radio has also played a great and appreciable role in promoting the pop stars across Korea. However, Korean TV shows have spread the scene further, with many 'soaps' being a huge hit across Asia and some finding niches in the west. Although many people say that bands like Wonder Girls are actually inspired by the Western girl bands from their make up, to the music that they make, it is in fact that most modern dance music actually has a universal language and style ... it is not set in a specific place, or from a particular descent, although I guess it must have started somewhere first, way back in history.


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